Manchester, Connecticut
41 Center Street
Call Town Hall Customer Service at 860-647-5235 or Connect with us:
The Manchester Water and Sewer Department operates the water and wastewater treatment facilities for the citizens of Manchester, Connecticut. The Department is pleased to provide information to you about its vital role in Manchester's community.
The Mission of the Water and Sewer Department is to provide the highest possible water quality and customer service at the lowest possible cost, while continuing our commitment to improving the infrastructure and our community's environment.
Office Hours: 8:00 a.m. - 4:30 p.m.
Phone: 860-647-3115
Emergency Phone: 24 hours - 860-647-3111
Billing Phone: 860-647-3135
Our department is organized into five sections with various responsibilities.
MoreInformation regarding the FOG program
MoreInformation regarding the IPP program.
MoreReport a problem.
MoreImportant Information about the Water and Sewer Department
MorePay your Water and/or Sewer Bills using either credit card (Mastercard, Visa, Discover, American Express) or eCheck. No fees apply.
MoreView past invoices and payment history
MoreThis program will allow customers to review their water consumption history for the past five years.
MoreReview the current and past reports.
2021 ReportStatus of the town's reservoirs.